What is GO! Green?
GO! Green is an all year round event that aims to promote awareness on environmental sustainability amongst the NTU community!
FoodBank@NTU aims to inculcate the idea that non-perishable food can be redistributed within the Singapore population. Through the placement of Foodbank boxes around NTU, we encourage the NTU community to donate their excess food. FoodBank@NTU is an initiative by WSC GO! & Earthlink NTU.
Donate your excess food items today at any one of our four locations:
1. Lift Lobby @ Hive Level B5
2. WSC Room @ North Spine SAC
3. Reading Room @ North Hill
4. Block 25 Letter Box @ Hall 7
BagWagon@NTU aims to encourage the NTU community to donate their reusable tote bags for others to reuse. FoodBank@NTU is an initiative by WSC GO! & Earthlink NTU.
BagWagon@NTU bins are placed at the Prime Supermarket located at North Spine. This reduces the reliance on plastic bags while encouraging the NTU community to adopt a sustainable mindset.
Past Events
AY 22/23 RE: FOOD
RE:FOOD 2023 aims to inculcate good habits to REduce food waste through REfusing overconsumption of food and wasteful practices, REpurposing food waste into useful items, and REallocating food to those who need them most.
Food Donation Drive
Have surplus food lying around that you cannot finish? Support a good cause by donating them to those who need them more!
CCEB Food Waste Collection
Black soldier fly larvae can help convert perishable food waste into useful pet feed and fertilisers. Just donate your food waste and let them do the job!
Initiated in AY20/21 GO! Green’s Bring-Your-Own (BYO) Campaign aims to work towards a more sustainable NTU campus through reducing reliance on single-use plastics.
We strive to do this by encouraging the NTU community to adopt the habit of bringing reusables within and outside of the NTU campus.
Initiated in AY 19/20, our Exchange Corner was an added feature to giveaway events that aimed to reduce food/item wastage by encouraging students to exchange unwanted items with one another